How did the reading make you feel? Why?
This book made me feel a little bit exhausted. The way the main character, Aron, has to ride a bike for a very high amount of distance, and has to wear a heavy backpack makes me feel exhausted. It makes the feeling exhausting because I imagine that if I were to be carrying a really heavy backpack and have to ride a bike would be exhausting for me. In the book it says, "The going would be much easier if I didn't have this heavy pack on my back. I wouldn't normally carry twenty-five pounds of supplies and equipment on a bike ride, but I'm on journeying out on a thirty-mile-long circuit of biking and canyoneering-traversing the bottom of the deep and narrow camyon system-and it will take me most of the day." This shows that he had to travel a very long distance and he also has a heavy backpack, which gives me the feeling of exhaustion.
This book also made me feel a sense of loneliness. I think this because throughout the whole
entire time, he is riding on his bike, alone. If he would ride his bike through the entire 30 miles, it would be a long time to be alone, by yourself. Personally, I like to be alone, but, I at least need entertainment or video games, if I am alone walking just listening to music, I would get extremely bored or I would really want someone to talk to or something after a while. In the book it says, "Alone once again, I walk down-canyon, continuing on my itinerary." This quote shows that he is alone going back to his plans to go to the canyon.
This book makes me feel a sense of happiness. I know this might be connected to the loneliness but I said that after a while and I have entertainment that I start to get bored. When I am alone and I have entertain, I actually quite enjoy myself because I don't have to hear any noise or anybody complaining in my ear while I'm playing video games. Which is the best thing I think I could have, peace and quiet. In the book it says that he is happy when he is alone, "This is my happy place. Great tunes, solitude, wilderness, empty mind." His way of a happy place might be a little bit different than mine but we both enjoy solitude, an empty mind, and some great tunes.
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