Monday, February 15, 2016

Holocaust Aow Impression

     What I have learned from the other articles was money first person experiences of the Holocaust. Most of the other AoWs were about what different experiences different people had in the Holocaust. One AoW was about how a man got to live because he was a technician for the Nazis, they didn't eliminate him because they had no other technicians and he was the only one to do it. Some people didn't make it as lucky as him, they had lost family or have even been a refugee. I have seen other opinions about Nazis who were even Jewish, someone who has been interviewed in the article talked about how they do not hate the Nazis because it would make them as bad as the Nazis.

     One other thing I learned about the AoWs was that some were repeated, or I have seen the same AoW from different people. Not only that but, they all had different explanations for their AoWs. One person would focus on only one of the people's view whom has gone through the Holocaust, and some would look at different experiences of different people. I have also learned that most of the articles were publish last year.


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